Nótaí an Chlub 14ú Samhain 2022

The victorious Tyrone Minor Double Winners 2022.
This Sunday, 20th November, our Ladies Minor team begin the defence of their Ulster club title at Pairc Colmcille. In this Ulster Club Preliminary round match, they will meet Dungloe. Throw-in is at 2pm. Ádh mór to the players and management. All support for the team is welcomed. Any volunteers who can give the club their time to help host the match on Sunday are asked to come to the ground for 12 noon. All help is appreciated.
Any club members who attended the Gaeltacht during the year are asked to contact our Culture and Language officer Lawrence Kelly at 07733275072.
The Club Shop will continue to open on Thursday from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm for current stock items.
Mass for deceased members will take place on 21st November. The Youth Presentation has moved till the 12th December.
Céili dancing class continues every Wednesday, at 8.30 pm, in the clubrooms with Dominic Molloy.
Rang Gaeilge (Irish Class) Autumn classes for beginners and improvers continue in the club rooms every Tuesday at 8 pm. With an earlier start for absolute beginners of 7:30 pm. To get involved, contact Cormac at 07769910958. All new starts are very welcome.
The club have circuits on Thursday at 6 pm, 6:30 pm and 7 pm. They are free, and there are free slots for people to attend. On Thursday, at 11 am, the club one-hour walking club continues. Everyone is very welcome. Following the Couch25K, the club will continue to switch on the training pitch lights between 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm to provide a safe facility for people to walk and run each Tuesday and Thursday evening.
The Lotto jackpot is now £8000. One winner of last week’s draw with four correct numbers won £100. Comhghairdeas Michael Gallagher. The winning numbers were 5,7,11,14 & 23. Enter online at: https://tinyurl.com/carmenlotto.